L’échappé Belle consists of several trails with different mileages and starting points for each race.
L’Échappée Belle intégrale: 152 km and 11,390 m D+, solo from Vizille to Aiguebelle
La traversée nord: 92 km and 6,740 m D+, solo from Fond-de-France to Aiguebelle
Le parcours des crêtes: 63km and 4,770 m D+, solo from Allevard to Aiguebelle
The Skyrace: 21km and 2000 m D+ solo from Fond de France
And as a bonus this year:
L’Échappée Étoilee: 2 non-timed trails aimed at sporty participants, occasional and regular runners alike, for a first trail experience in the Belledonne massif.